@article{oai:uoeh-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000975, author = {小原, 日奈子 and 田島, 貴文 and 塚本, 学 and 山中, 芳亮 and 鈴木, 仁士 and 善家, 雄吉 and 川崎, 展 and 鴻崎, 香里奈 and 中里, 浩一 and 平沼, 憲治 and 酒井, 昭典 and Obara, Hinako and Tajima, Takafumi and Tsukamoto, Manabu and Yamanaka, Yoshiaki and Suzuki, Hitoshi and Zenke, Yukichi and Kawasaki, Makoto and Kouzaki, Karina and Nakazato, Koichi and Hiranuma, Kenji and Sakai, Akinori}, issue = {4}, journal = {産業医科大学雑誌, Journal of UOEH}, month = {Dec}, note = {We aimed to clarify the effect of aging on trabecular bone volume and trabecular bone microstructure in a rat model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Six rats each of wild type (WT) and DMD model at 15 weeks of age, and 4 rats each at 30 weeks of age, were analyzed by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and by micro-CT for analysis of trabecular and cortical bone of the femur. Bone mineral density was significantly lower in the DMD group than in the WT group at both 15 and 30 weeks of age. Micro-CT showed that trabecular bone volume and number were not significantly different between the two groups at 15 weeks, but at 30 weeks both were significantly lower in the DMD group than in the WT group. Connectivity density and structure model index were not significantly different between the two groups at 15 weeks, but at 30 weeks they differed significantly. No significant differences between the WT and DMD groups in cortical thickness and cortical area were evident at both 15 and 30 weeks. In conclusion, trabecular bone volume is significantly reduced, with deteriorated microstructure, with aging in a rat model of DMD.}, pages = {323--330}, title = {デュシェンヌ型筋ジストロフィーのラットモデルにおいて海綿骨量は加齢とともに微小構造の劣化を伴って減少する}, volume = {44}, year = {2022}, yomi = {オバラ, ヒナコ and タジマ, タカフミ and ツカモト, マナブ and ヤマナカ, ヨシアキ and スズキ, ヒトシ and ゼンケ, ユウキチ and カワサキ, マコト and コウザキ, カリナ and ナカザト, コウイチ and ヒラヌマ, ケンジ and サカイ, アキノリ} }