@article{oai:uoeh-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000925, author = {太田, 浩嗣 and 梅村, 武部 and 近藤 , 弘久 and 山本, 淳考 and Ohta, Hirotsugu and Umemura, Takeru and Kondoh, Hirohisa and Yamamoto , Junkoh}, issue = {4}, journal = {産業医科大学雑誌, Journal of UOEH}, month = {Dec}, note = {重複脳底動脈(Duplication of Basilar artery)は,posterior longitudinal neural arteries (PLNA)が癒合せずに残存した稀な破格である.今回,重複脳底動脈の1例を経験し,その発生過程について考察した.症例は71歳男性.黒内障発作精査にて,magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)上脳幹の前で脳底動脈と縦走する血管を認め,右側は右椎骨動脈よりつながっていたため,重複脳底動脈と診断した.症状とは関連がないため,外来で経過を追っている.重複脳底動脈の1例を経験したが,過去の脳底動脈窓形成の報告の中には重複脳底動脈も含まれて,実際にはもっと多くの症例があるものと思われ,その診断や鑑別にあたっては注意が必要である.また,重複脳底動脈は,その灌流領域の循環動態を安定させた結果,発生したものと考えた., We report a duplication of basilar artery, it is a rare variation of vessel and arisen from unfusing of a posterior longitudinal neural arteries. 71-year-old man with hypertension, was referred to our hospital for a visual disturbance. The duplication of basilar artery was incidentally discovered on a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI showed an artery lined up side by side a basilar artery in front of brain stem, it was connected from vertebral artery to anterior inferior cerebellar artery. So it was diagnosed a duplication of basilar artery. A duplication of basilar artery is not a rare variation of vessel but a comparatively few variation of vessel, because some cases of the fenestration of basilar artery were included the duplication of basilar artery on review of the literature. And it occurred to be stabilized its back flow.}, pages = {455--458}, title = {重複脳底動脈 -Duplication of Basilar Artery-の1例}, volume = {43}, year = {2021}, yomi = {オオタ, ヒロツグ and ウメムラ, タケル and コンドウ, ヒロヒサ and ヤマモト, ジュンコウ} }