@article{oai:uoeh-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000916, author = {田中 , 公介 and Tanaka, Hiroyoshi}, issue = {1}, journal = {産業医科大学雑誌, Journal of UOEH}, month = {Mar}, note = {本論文では,これまでの生成文法理論の枠組みで研究されてきた文法的対比の一つである,Wh疑問文における前置詞残留の項と付加詞の対比を,近年のミニマリスト統語論におけるラベル付与アルゴリズム(Labelling Algorithm: LA)と,LAを基にした外的Pair-Merger分析を用いることによって説明する.更に,Wh疑問文と同様の統語特性を示すものの,項と付加詞の対比が生じない重名詞句転移(heavy DP shift: HDPS)構文における文法性については,上記の分析と,フェイズ理論における各種仮定のもとで適切に説明されることを示す.最後に,一見本論の枠組みにとって経験的な問題となる可能性がある寄生空所(parasitic gap: PG)構文の文法性については,空オペレータ(null operator: NOp)分析が有用となることを示す., In this paper I explain a well-known grammatical contrast that has been studied in the framework of Generative Grammar: the contrast between arguments and adjuncts in the preposition stranding of Wh-Questions. I make use of some recent minimalist studies: the Labeling Algorithm (LA) and the external Pair-Merger analysis based on LA. I also show that the grammaticality of heavy DP shift (HDPS) constructions, which have the same syntactic properties as Wh-questions but do not show the contrast between arguments and adjuncts in preposition stranding, can be adequately explained by the above analysis and some additional assumptions in Phase Theory. Finally, I will show that null operator (NOp) analysis is useful for the grammaticality of parasitic gap (PG) constructions, which at first glance may seem to be an empirical problem for the framework of this paper.}, pages = {53--62}, title = {英語の前置詞残留における非対称的なペアマージ分析}, volume = {44}, year = {2022}, yomi = {タナカ, ヒロヨシ} }